ESP.Culturo is a gallery concept that aims for people from around the globe to create digital art and poetry using a digital "culture maker". The concept is inspired by the language Esperanto – a non-political language that was created to give people a shared way of communicating, in order to facilitate for peace and unity.
The intention behind ESP.Culturo is to build a global network where people comment on themes such as peace, inclusion and social issues through drawing and writing. You do not need to have a connection to the language Esperanto to participate, but rather a desire to make the world a slightly better place.
Where will the art works be used?
The illustrations will be presented in a web site prototype, as well as in an AR gallery:
As this is a school assignment, I won’t have the opportunity to fully develop the website, but the illustrations may be published in a demo version of the website where the public will be able to explore the AR gallery.